If you post here, as many a faithful JW do, you are considered an apostate.
ha ha--that should shake up the fence sitters on here.
i have heard a rumor that if a jw becomes inactive he or she is considered to be an apostate.
is this true?
has anyone here on this forum had such an experience?
If you post here, as many a faithful JW do, you are considered an apostate.
ha ha--that should shake up the fence sitters on here.
when i was a jw i would look to the bible or the wt society to answer all of my problems.. now as an older person i get cold in the wintertime and have trouble getting warm down to bad circulation.
i found an answer in the bible at 1 kings 1:2, but i don't think my pimi wife will let me apply this bible principle.
If this is the bible verse about david having a young woman between the sheets to keep him warm..well ive got the same thing. If i were 40..she would be in her teens.
do you think they feel bad for us!
envy us or basically don’t give a 💩?
Joined 6 years ago
wow..a real live pimi --been on here 6 years--posted 188 times...and still pimi ?
whats your secret ?
i liked the format and i think donald trump destroyed joe biden.. your opinion?
As an Aussie watching this debate
------seriously ?
world wide association of liars.
organization of delusional sociopaths.
jehovah's publishing corporation .
false profits--lol.
world wide association of liars.
organization of delusional sociopaths.
jehovah's publishing corporation .
JW Organs
can anyone give difference between cross and pendant with jw.org logo?.
further this logo has become the main identification of a kingdom hall.. can someone give bible reasoning behind this?
against or favour..
meeting place for JW organs ?
as always i preferece this post with a: i despise this cult!!!!
so glad the boys dispise it as well.. so, as stated...she is in a cult mode and i am trying to figure out what the trigger was.
the watchtower rag or .
just ask your wife outright for an explanation--just why she has switched on cult mode . Then deal with it based on her reply.
sooner or later she will shun her own kids.
do you think they feel bad for us!
envy us or basically don’t give a 💩?
they are trained to believe we are dead.
can anyone give difference between cross and pendant with jw.org logo?.
further this logo has become the main identification of a kingdom hall.. can someone give bible reasoning behind this?
against or favour..
next trend will be having JWorg tattood on the ass.